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Friday, March 09, 2007

Sad Situation....

The Pastor called me last night to accompany him on a visit. This gentlemen is a member but is not coming to church. He states that a medicine women (without going into explanation) told him he was a bad person and that he didn't need to go to church. Now he stated he knows she is of the devil and claims that he doesn't believe that stuff but that is reason he is not coming. He past is filled with violence, against his wife, father in law and others. The pastor questions his salvation as well as I, jut going by what I was told. We gave him some material to read. ? Nos Vemos as we say.
The wife is so distraught that she can't sleep at night due to she fears he will do something to her while she sleeps. How sad, my flesh wants to just kick his butt for being a wimp thinking he has to get his rocks off picking on his wife and anyone else he feels he can dominate. Only God can change his heart even though I would mind changing his face a bit. Don't take this wrong, for those that know me I wouldn't do anything to embarrass our Lord. But if hmm......
Anyway some of the social things we deal with in the states, domestic violence, is even more prevalent here.
Sad Situation....

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