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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dangers of drinking "Mate"

Today started out like the rest trying to get up early. When I was at home getting up at four thirty in the morning was not that difficult. Going to the gym, getting to work on time, running at lunch and most of the time going by the church working on what was going at the time. Along with going to our children’s events.
Now we fight to get up by seven, spend time with the Lord, work on strategy, get our kids started on home school, (that is not as simple as it sounds) trying to find something for the one of the kid’s home school, finding out the today is a national holiday and some places are closed. So the places that have became accustom to your bad language are closed and you have to find a new place the says “que!” several times before they ask you, “your not from here are you?” And…..after they laugh at your accent you finally find out they don’t carry what you are looking for. So they start telling you where you can go, then after following their instructions you find out that this place is closed and you decide that it’s best just to wait till tomorrow when things will be open.
Living in a foreign country you have to spend more time with the children, it is a must. So my son and I have started riding mountain bikes together. I have been cycling on the road for a few years. This mountain bike stuff is a little different but not much. My son has just turned 14 and wanting to do something but not sure where his interests are, so we are going to give riding a try. I think he thought the old man wasn’t that fast but he didn’t take long for him to realize that there is a little more to riding that just pumping the pedals. Anyway we had a good time, the second time we went out. For the first time we had to come back because his bike malfunction.
We finished up the day with returning home after a good work out. Mama had supper ready (eggs, bacon, toast and sweet tea, doesn’t sound that special but when your five thousand miles from home it is like eating a good steak). Now that supper is finished I decided to fix me some “mate”. But I’m using my thermos with a Uruguayan pour top.
Hence the title, the top didn’t work that well and I poured scalding water over my hand. Not sure what degree burn but it is pretty red. We found some burn ointment and applied it over the back of my hand. Found some strong pain medicine. Now I’m drinking my mate and writing a short journal of my day. Now, I have an important question that I would like ask who ever is listening. To see how people from the outside looking in, would view my day and how God fits into this great plan of missions. Just a question.
Now it would sound as if I was frustrated but as I write this, I can’t help but laugh at my day. I love where God has me. I’m thankful for time he is giving me with my kids. I pray daily that I would be able to share the love of Christ with the people he places in my path

1 comment:

Kiki Cherry said...


Welcome to the blogging world. Can't say I'm a fan of mate. Even when you drink it out of the bong-looking thing. But several of our college students love it. : )

I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your perspectives. It's refreshing to hear your heart. And I appreciate your reminder to stick to the things that really matter.

I'm an MK, and now a campus minister with my husband in the northern US. We share your passion to give, go, pray, send and equip.

We're about to go on two Spring Break trips--one south to Peru and one north to Montreal. One of our goals is to be an incubator for missions.

We want our students, when they get out of our campus ministry, to have all the tools necessary to live out a godly lives and to make disciples wherever God leads them. Our ultimate goal is also to teach them how to plant simple churches wherever they may end up.

Blessings on you and your ministry in Uruguay.