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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trying to Get Back in Gear...

Well we just got back yesterday from our Annual General Meeting. This is when we get together with our Leadership and our fellow missionaries, and receive training and are able to worship in our heart language. It was an encouraging time and I want to thank all that was involved. What a blessing the CrossGate Church was to us. The Pastor and his worship team were tremendous. They also ministered to our children and they will remember it for years to come.
Heart know I thought I knew what that meant before I came to the field. The truth of the matter is that you don't really understand it till you experience it. I was trying to explain to the team that when they sing and we watch how they share that song with tones and facial expressions we can share by knowing what words are expressed by those facial expressions. While here in our first term we haven't come to be able to do that with our national brothers. Yes we know the songs and yes we understand the meanings but to be able to share the same feeling or heart feeling with that word and facial expression, we haven't arrived there yet. We do long to share those feelings with our brothers in Christ...but I also believe that it plays also a big part on how we see the world. or should we say "World View". That was some or our training time with Jim Slack. I would share some of that as well but it will take a long while to process all that information. And if any of you know Dr. Slack you understand what I'm saying. Until next time...Nos vemos, Dios bendiga.

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