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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ministry Meaning

What is the meaning of Ministry? I guess the meaning is different for different people. For me, it is my life. I have had a hard time adapting that into my vocabulary. But over the last two years adapting to a different language, a different culture, a different people I live with and different people I work with, has had a very deep, deep effect the way I look at ministry. Adapting to a different type of work I definitely don't want to forget that. So saying that when I say I need to look at the calendar to see what we will do in the ministry I'm actually saying, "Let’s look at the calendar to see how we are going to schedule our lives into what God has planned for us this year".
Adapting to a different language...well that has definitely not happened yet. I want to so bad to really share what is on my heart in regards to the Word. It might shock some but it is not happening. I have studied, talked and went way out of my comfort zone and still have not progressed to where I want to be. They tell me (they being the vets) that some just don't get it the first term. Well that answers why so many don't come back after their first. This whole tongue thing I wish it was a gift still given. I sure would be praying, and not privately either.
Adapting to a different culture...well that is not all that bad for me. My wife and kids not sure. Well CoraBeth has adapted but she was 9 when we got here. Garrett not sure.'ll have to ask her yourself.
Adapting to a different people... nope, nope, nope, I'm trying but that is one thing I won't adapt to but just acept that is the way the people are. I don't have the English vocabulary to explain. I love them and except them and that is the best I know how to do at the moment.
Adapting to a different way of work...nope, nope, nope, not sure if that will come around. Teresa and I talked about that last night. She doesn’t know how I keep from going crazy. When I say I was a bricklayer it really goes much deeper than that. I took large masonry projects (i.e., schools, hospitals, grocery stores.) was give a schedule (deadline) and then asked to do some impossible tasks with literally no one on the crew. I would then start hiring, recruiting, begging, motivating and begging to do more. I loved the fast pace work schedule. I loved looking back at the end of the day and seeing what we had accomplished physically and then after the job was over all the friendships that had been formed by everyone accomplishing what they didn't think they could.
I just started laughing because after rereading what I is exactly what God has asked me to do here. I'm just having a hard time seeing the results. That is probably the biggest thing I'm having problems with.
Sorry this is so long...I working on blogging on a regular basis.
Not sure if anyone passes buy but this has been good to write about anyway.
May God Bless your "Ministry"!!!!

1 comment:

J. Guy Muse said...

I have you on my blog reader so everytime you post something new it shows up. All I can say about this post is that it is REAL. Even though we have been here 20 years, I know what you are saying, and to tell you the truth, some of the things you write about don't get easier. I will say though that the first term is probably the hardest. Just hang in there and DO COME BACK. For many it is not until their 2nd or 3rd term that they really find their niche. I don't know if it is true or not, but I've been told that the most that is expected of first term missionaries is to just survive! There are so many changes and things to adapt to (the very things you write about)that about all that can be done is get through them. Any "ministry" accomplished on top of all the other is just "icing on the cake." I guess what I am trying to say is that many of the things you are sharing are common to many of us. It seems each term of service brings on a whole new set of challenges, but I won't get into that one now. Blessings on you and your family.