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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Another First.

I know that this might be a regular for some in different parts of the world. Even here, it is pretty common occurance with others but for us it is the first of I’m sure many. You asking all right already what is it? "Lice" Teresa found the critters last night in Cora Beth’s hair. It was pretty large, you could see its legs. Well Teresa entered the living room with her finger on it and asked me, "What is this thing?". I shrugged as any good husband would do and said not sure. Why not go over to our neighbors, who I’m sure have had experience with this and ask her. Well Teresa returned and it was confirmed. Cora has lice but they didn't see any more so we felt confident that a good medicine wash and treatment we would be safe. So off we went to do the first treatment. After the treatment you take a fine tooth comb and pull out any that may be dead and also to locate eggs. Well... guess what, I'm figuring she might have had them for while. We found or the comb rather found many more. Needless to say Teresa and I started itching pretty good at this point. Well after all and all, we treated Teresa's hair and what little of my hair and we didn't find any. The directions say to wait another 10 days and treat again. I'm surprised that it took this long for any of us to get them. Oh... you might be asking what about Garrett. Well he keeps his hair cut down to his scalp that he is not a good candidate for the littler critters. I apologize for not having pictures. Our camera was damaged we waiting on a few things. If any more spawn in the future I will attach pictures. Hope you enjoy. Oh yeh, if anyone has some home remedies on killing the buggers please let us know. We using some expired stuff we brought back in 2004. Thanks again.

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